person using a computer and taking notes on a notepad
This account pays interest on all balances and there is $100.00 minimum amount needed to open. Low maintenance fee if the balance falls below minimum.
Non-transactional account designed to teach young people to save. Offered to minors as defined by S.C. Banking Statutes.
Tiered account with higher interest yields while affording the customer quick and easy access to their funds. This is a tiered variable interest rate account. We may change the interest rate on the account at any time.
202 Cashua Street
P. O. Box 502
Darlington, SC 29540
P: (843) 395-1956
F: (843) 393-1221
2016 Hoffmeyer Road
Florence, SC 29501
P: (843) 292-0016
F: (843) 292-0220